OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

To trace the building shape and create an overall building space

  1. Click (Trace Room).

    Activates the Trace space . Trace space is similar to Trace Room in that it is used to draw a shape to define a space, but does not have the room creation options as for Trace Room.

  2. Keep the Trace space default tool settings, and follow the prompt “Trace space > Enter point” (on the Status bar prompt area).

    Snap to the corner of the mass model coincident with the origin marker (coordinate 0,0,0 in the AccuDraw window), and enter a data point. This establishes the first point on the floor plan.

  3. Continue tracing the building floor plan. Snap to the edges of the mass model, and add data points.

    Tip: You can snap to curved shapes more accurately by overriding the default key point divisor (set to 2) setting by keying in ky=8 for instance dividing elements into 8 equal snappable segments as opposed to the 2 using the default.
  4. After defining the last point on the floor shape, right click to Reset out of the Trace Space mode.

    A 3D space is modeled with the traced space as its perimeter, and is divided into floors per the Floor Data settings.